Friday, April 27, 2007

Trans fats rampant

The revelations about toxic nature of trans fats have turned me into one of those picky people. I ask before I eat.

In Australia, the news is invariably good these days. Doing a large investigative earlier this year, I discovered that the cooking oil companies have been helping their clients move to trans fat-free oils and large supermarkets, particularly Woolworths, have been demanding of their suppliers that all baked goods come in under the safety level for trans fats.

In America it is a different story.
The people are continuing to consume trans fats in blissful ignorance.
Oh yes, they have product labelling in the supermarkets so that those of us looking to avoid trans fats can do so. But it means not eating a lot of things - for instance, my favourite Shaws muffins.
I've also had to stop my rare, but adored indulgence in Dunkin' Donuts' Crullers. Dunkin' Donuts products are loaded in trans fats - which does not omen well for the heart function of US policemen who are reputedly hooked on them.
I also adore dining at a wonderful restaurant chain called Smokey Bones where, the big treat, is to finish the meal with one of the best a la mode apple pies in the world. But, when I asked, I was told, no, the apple pies are not trans fat-free.
At least Smokey Bones is honest. And we have stopped having their divine apple pies. Sigh.
McDonalds has said it is planning to abandon partially hydrogenated oils - but not until 2008. Why the wait? They have pretty much done it in Australia - before any legislation was made.

New York has issued an edict to eliminate trans fats from the restaurant world. Philadelphia has followed suit. California is making noises. But why is this country so reluctant?

There is a strong Ban Trans Fats lobby, working very hard at putting pressure on the food industry.

But eating out in the US is still like a lottery - and shopping for baked goods is a label-reading ordeal.

The businesses which have assured me that they are rid of trans fats now are my haunts - Panera Bread and Starbucks. No, I won't hear a word against the much-maligned Starbucks! They are my friends, a place where I can safely have the pleasure of a cake with a coffee.


Anonymous said...

Skid marks are bad so this is good.
I was thinking of starting a campaign to firstly send photographs of skid marked (anal leakage) jocks to Woolies management with a note the the actual jocks would start being sent if trans-fats were not removed.
The definition of safe levels is much like radiation, there ain't none.
Skid marks are a topic never discussed which is how these bastards have managed to get their products which cause anal leakage into so many foods. You only know you have eaten something with them in 24 hours later when you go for a visit.

Anonymous said...

Trans fats need to be banned, along with smoking and other things that our society accepts without thinking twice about it.


River said...

If skid marks are caused by trans fats then why don't more people have them? since most people ate trans fats for years before all the present day hoo-ha. I was taught that skid marks were caused by incorrect wiping methods or other bowel problems such as "leakage", something which occurs in constipated bowels, when the bowel is so overfull it cannot hold anymore and "leaks" a small amount. Trans fats cannot be blamed for eveything, although they are a bad product.